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Easy Flexi Personal Loan Singapore

Personal loan is a type of loan to be taken out when you are in need of cash to pay for unexpected expenses such as car repairs, hospitalisation fees, operations etc. Everyone is bound to stumble upon unpredicted obligations that they must take care of at times.
SGC Credit values the personal discretion that everyone wants. Taking into consideration that the local banks would require a borrower to furnish a reason for the loan and supporting documents to validate that the loaned amount is indeed used to pay off renovation fees, or housing loan. We do not want to intrude our borrowers privacy by asking what the money is being used for.
Our flexible repayment scheme for Personal Loan allows our borrowers to schedule the repayment dates at their own comfort for repayment to be done promptly. Many a times, when we are in need of a loan, the banks are not making things easy for us to gain access to the stipulated amount needed. Frustrations and agony will surface as Personal Loans are only needed during emergency situations. But due to procedures and approval processes from banks, time is not on your side. Hence, factoring in the high interest rates provided by banks, it is ideally not possible to take out a loan for emergency purposes.
What To Expect When Taking a Loan
SGC Credit offers one of the Lowest Interest Rates Personal Loan Singapore, we value and understand the agony that our customers have and do not want them to go through any of these negative experience that they should. Upon submission of relevant documents, your loan will be transferred to you right on the spot! We also understand that everyone have different pay check dates, hence our flexible repayment scheme allows our customers to repay at their own preferred dates as well.
In order to speed up the process and get your personal loan at the fastest time frame, we urge that you present these relevant documents to us :
NRIC Identification Card
Any Proof of latest billing (To your residential address)
Latest 3 months of your payslip
Letter of Employment
Borrowers that are to meet this requirement are eligible to take out a loan from us :
21 years of age and above
Singapore citizen, permanent resident or foreign worker with valid working permit
Under employment
Our loan tenure is ranged from minimum 2 months (61 days onward) to maximum of 18 months and The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of our Personal Loan is minimum 12% to maximum of 48% per annual on reducing interest rate for 1 years tenure.
Are you ready to take out a personal loan now?
> CLICK HERE to Apply for Personal Loan now.
* SGC Credit reserves all the rights to amend terms & conditions without any prior notice to customers. The borrowers have no obligation to take up the loan if the loan package offered is not satisfied.
In need of a personal loan in Singapore?

Knowledge Corner
Things You Should Know on Borrowing:
Minimum Period for Repayment : From 2 months (61 Days Onward)
Maximum Period for Repayment : Up to 18 months
Minimum Annual Percentage Rate : 12% per annum
Maximum Annual Percentage Rate : Up to 48% per annum on reducing interest rate
Sample Representation of Loan with Maximum Rates:
Total Amount Borrowed : SGD 10,000
Time Period * : 12 Months
Interest Rate ** : 1% Per Month
Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APR) ** : 12% APR or 1% NIR
Total Cost Payable Per Annual *** : SGD 11200
* Interest Rate may vary up to a maximum of 4% per month, depending on loan amount and period of repayment
** Total Cost Payable exclude administrative fee. Cost stated is an estimation and may vary due to loan amount, period of loan and other fees such as late fee and late interest rate may be charged in the event of violation on terms & conditions.
*** Your actual credit amount and interest rate will be based on your individual credit profile and affordability.
**** Tables above are for illustration purposes only. You should seek advice from your adviser or consultants before making any financial decisions.