Need Quick Cash Today? Call us : +65 6541 5557 or Apply for A Loan Now!

Here are some of our Frequently Asked Questions that we get from many of our customers. Hope you may find your answers here!
1. How do I know when my loan is approved?
We will contact you via SMS or email you once your loan is approved. An appointment will be arranged with you to come down our office for discussion.
2. What if I cannot head down during office hours?
Let us know when is your best time and we will try our best to accommodate your timing.
3. May I know the reason for not approving my loan?
SGC Credit reserves the rights not to disclose any information in any regard.
4. Will SGC Credit grant me a loan if I have a bad credit rating?
Based on case by case basis, we will try our best to customise a loan package that best suits your needs and ability.
5. May I take another loan if I already have an existing loan with SGC Credit?
Yes you may as we will grant you another loan provided you are eligible during the time of application subjecting to The Moneylenders Act and its regulations.
6. Upon paying off my current loan, can I take out another new loan?
Yes, we will grant you re-loan provided you are eligible at time of application subjecting to The Moneylenders Act and its regulations.
7. How do I make my Repayments?
By Default, payments are made thru GIRO. You can also opt for bank transfer to our designated accounts or pay CASH at our office.
8. Are there any fees if I would like to make an early redemption?
No, not only will there not be any additional fee incurred, there is even an interest rebate for full early repayment! The earlier you make your full early repayment the more interest you’ll save on!